Freedom iClinics offers a complete healthcare spectrum ranging from Medical aesthetics, Mental & Psychosomatic illnesses to chronic illnesses of varying degrees. Besides, the wholistic approach, our clinic has developed research based combinations treatments for special conditions like Pain, Migraine, Women & children problems, Allergies and severe conditions like auto immune illnesses and Cancer.
Morbid Obesity, Acne, Warts
Common Cold, Acidity
Liver disorders, Heart & Lung disorders
Diabetes, Migraine, Asthma, Cancer
Children, Women, Old age
Illness with Mental Roots, Psychiatry
Spondilitis, Neuralgia, Arthritis
The prognosis with wholistic treatments at our clinic, is dependent on the severity of the illness, the pathological status, age of the patient and the ‘curability factor’. However, all treatments are aimed to give relief and a better quality of life where complete cure is not possible
Our treatments reduce the dependency on other drugs, minimise the severity, and improve the mind state and ultimately take the patient towards CURE.