NextGen Homoeopathy

Traditionally, Homoeopathy simply means treating diseases with remedies, prescribed in minute doses, which are capable of producing symptoms similar to the disease when administered in large doses. This therapeutic system is based on the doctrine of SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR or “like cures like”.

Homoeopathy is known to have given results in many acute and chronic illnesses which defy other forms of treatment. This therapeutic stem was introduced in 1796 and it has gained in popularity ever since. The original form of Homeopathic practice is known as Classical Homoeopathy. Over 200 years, many different formats of homeopathic practice have emerged. Today, Homoeopathy is firmly established as a holistic treatment for almost all kinds of illnesses.

At Freedom iClinics, the concept of Energy medicine forms an important part of its medicinal therapeutics. Homoeopathy is classified as a unique and powerful form of ‘Energy Medicine’. Besides the use of classical homoeopathy, an innovative research has given shape to ‘NextGen Homoeopathy’. In this form of Homoeopathy, every medicine is classified as an energy with distinct properties of influencing health and disease. This form of application facilitates the use of homeopathic remedies for specific illnesses with predictable results.

Doctors at Freedom iClinics believe that Homoeopathy must be interpreted in light of modern science and medical research; NEXTGEN HOMOEOPATHY is meant to bridge the gap between traditional Homoeopathy and Modern medical science. This form of homoeopathy has the potential of giving predictable results in many clinical conditions and give a new dimension to the practice of Energy Medicine.