There is a popular naturopathic approach called healing without drugs. It is based on the concept of the intrinsic healing capacity of the body. The fundamental theory revolves around Detoxifying the body which stimulates the natural healing processes of our body.
The principles of Naturopathy have existed since thousands of years. It believes in viewing the whole person in regards to finding a cause of disease, and using the laws of nature to induce cure. It was from this original school of thought that Naturopathy takes its principles.
A Naturopath will never use treatments that may create other conditions
There is always an underlying cause, be it physical or emotional
When preparing a treatment plan, all aspects of a person’s being are taken into consideration
Nature has the innate ability to heal
A Naturopath empowers the patient to take responsibility for his/her own health by teaching self-care
A Naturopath may remove toxic substances and situations from a patient’s lifestyle to prevent the onset of disease
Traditional drugless healing comprised of naturopathic diets, detox by steam bath, enemas and mud packs and exercises. Reflexology and massage also formed an important aspect of this approach. At Freedom iClinics, we have identified a powerful combination for effective healing of illnesses without the use of any drugs. The four modalities comprising of the following together offer a therapeutic approach to resolve most illnesses.
digestive system, respiratory system, allergies, obesity, chronic headaches, hyper
lipidaemia, sleep disorders, and many more…