‘Acupuncture is the art of modulating the dynamic energies of living beings and establishing their balance…’
The Science of Acupuncture has evolved over a period of 4000 years. This system is based on the concept of living energies which is the foundation of all life. It states that the basic principle of Health is the harmony of Prana or QI(Life energy) within the body. Acupuncture philosophy describes a system of Meridians (Energy Channels) through which the Qi flows and maintains all the organs and parts of the body in harmonious functioning.
Disease is an imbalance in the flow of energy through the meridians. Imbalance is caused by various internal and external factors and disturbed the functioning of organs and tissues. This disharmony can be corrected by stimulating the flow of energy in many ways, mostly by way of needle manipulations along the affected meridians.
Freedom iClinics uses traditional acupuncture wisdom and has also researched and evolved new techniques for managing complex medical conditions. Acupuncture has proved its efficacy time and again in many clinical conditions. It is especially useful in cases of Pain, Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Paralysis, Migraine, Hormonal imbalances, Sterility etc.